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Tuesday 10 March 2009

In communicado.

Man in streets: 'eh eh'

Me: 'Can i help you?'

Man: Waves his hands around, seemingly doing some sort of tribal dance.

Me: (noticing a cigarette balanced between his long nailed, crow legged, yellow fingers)...'Would you like a light'.

Man: Nods and grins. He resembles a child, except a smoking child with high waisted chino's and wrinkles. He accepts the lighter, and returns it.

Me: 'Thanks' (not sure why i'm it for surviving the ordeal?)

Man: 'East London Mosque?' He points and shrugs.

Me: (Master of communication as I am, I presume that he wants to know where it is). 'What road is it on'.

Man: 'Yes, someone died'.

Me: 'What road it is it on?' (pointing at a road sign)

Man: 'Yes'.

Me: 'That way'.

Man: Hobbels off elated holding the cigarette near his mouth but without smoking it.


'If I were a German, you'd be dead'.
Defiance 2008

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