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Monday 23 February 2009

Prim, proper, front, centre and plastered.

The life of a professional in 2009 is tough. There is a shrinking economy putting jobs at risk and an ever growing number of higher education graduates emerging from the university womb ready to steal your job eager as beavers. The pressure to be perfectly turned out and to thrust oneself into the working day with the enthusiasm of a child at Christmas tearing into presents has never been so great. It is paramount that the succesful professional exeed targets, arrive early, leave late, innovate the generation of new revenues and skip lunch.

How then does one cope with the diminishing returns, growing work loads, increased expectations carefully balanced against the cessation of chocolate rations and job loss whilst fitting in a vibrant social life and general pressing life administration issues such as gas bills, short haul holidays, relentless drinking and 'girlfriend time'?

Well, i'll tell you:

Last night (sunday), i strolled to my local Tesco in search of a few bits and pieces with which to negotiate a succesful dinner, perhaps a glass of wine and a film before hitting the hay allowing for a comfortable 8 hour sleep pre the working week.

Unfortunately the Tesco extra in question only has room for a limited choice in stock. Missing are loose vegetables, all vegetarian protein options save for Quorn Sausages, they have no cheddar, no beans, no pasta, in fact the missing list is endless. They will however always have in stock, Chippati flour, pot noodles and heat magazine.

In the face of such odds and to negate the demoralising effects of trawling through the proverbial wellington boot in a fishing net that consituted my options, i bought a bottle of wine and 8 cans of lager.

On the journey home i saw a local tramp sitting looking dejected with his head in his hands. Presumably he had taken his last £2 into tesco to buy cider and returned with a bag of Chippati flour instead.

So, to wind down my Sunday and prepare for the week, i put on an episode of the frankly fantastic 'Band of Brothers' and opened the wine. 6 episodes, 1 bottle of wine and 5 cans of lager later...otherwise known as 2:30am, i crawled into bed.

The morning alarm hit me like a mallet in the face. Standing in the shower using my shoulder to prop myself up the moment to get out and get ready arrived when my knees buckled as i fell back to sleep standing up.

Having forgotten to dry clean my only suit, which incidentally is actually a dark blue blazer and a pair of dark blue trousers that do not match and were purchased seperately, i was forced to rumage through a dusty bag to find a worn old pair of brown work like trousers i used to wear in part time jobs.

Running an iron over the scrumpled heap that consitutes my now off white shirt, i glanced in the mirror to decide upon how necessary a shave was. Was it necessary? Very. Did i do it? No.

Once in the office of course a staunch professional facade is vital to overcome the undoubted look of horror on the face of the office manager when he casts his eyes over my lacklustre appearance. ....(I look like i have been shot with a stun gun but concluded that work is more important than my health).

Unfortunately one of the office conversations is weaving its inexorable path toward idiocy within earshot.

Office idiot: 'Oh i love spandau ballet, you know, Goooold and True, so good'.

Other office idiot: 'Is that Ross Kemp?'

Office idiot: 'No Martin Kemp'

Other office idiot: 'What else have the written?'

Office idiot (who LOVES Spandau Ballet): 'Oh those are the only two i know'

Thereafter follows 20 minutes of singing these two songs untunefully to attempt to illustrate who she is talking about.

This saps my enthusiasm, so i have a cup of tea to help mask the smell of alchohol, google 'giant rats' discovering that a man in china has caught a rat the size of a cat: and then write this load of twaddle to help waste some time before lunch.

Luckily i have 3 meaningless phone calls lined up to make after lunch and a host of points of interest to explore on Wikipedia.

Those graduates don't have a chance.

Thursday 19 February 2009

Daily Chore.

Directly in front of me is a pot plant.

I am sitting at my computer in the office that i work in, pulling a 'work' face and occasionally reaching for the phone, lifting the handset, dialing, replacing the handset, then mumbling faux frustration at the lack of repsonse from my intended conversation reciepient. It's unsurprising that there was a limited response as I have just phoned my own answering machine.

The pot plant is in a similar predicament to myself and i can't help feeling a kinship with it. There is something evocative about the way that it's wilting brown tipped leaves scream both neglect and loneliness. The top of the plant is clawing at a thin stip of window, a window so slight as to implicate that one might fire arrows out of it at bewildered passers by.

I might fire arrows out of it at bewlidered passers by, if only for the cheap thrill of the inevtiable arrest.

Behind me a group of 20 something females who work on an events team are discussing what their respective boyfriends did for valentines day. This began as an exploration into each others boyfriends valentine spend, presumably in the form of a competition with egotistical pretentions but now they seem to have caught themselves off guard as the potential to take the results home and berate the unfortunate love interest with the results dawns slowly upon them.

It's like watching the sun rise, but when the day ahead has already been pre-determined as a horrible nightmare. Slow, inevitable, enlightening and soul crushing.

The pot plant looks like someone built a concrete jungle on top of a forest and preserved the plant to placate some sandle wearing Green Peace hippies who might make a fuss.

Just behind the pot plant a man with the social skills of a loaf of stale bread is standing roughly 3 inches from a more junior member of staffs face bleating football facts at him. The junior member of staff did not ask, why he is being told is beyond even the most enthused of the work drones surrounding them. The taught desperate smile of politeness plastered all over this unfortunates face literally screams, 'Leave me alone, why is your breath so bad? let me stare blankly at my computer screen, what the hell are you talking about?'.

Soon it will be over and he can sink back into 3 more hours of mind numbing silence.

It is said that each google search uses the same amount of energy as boiling a kettle. I boil 89,435 kettles a day on average and am singlehandedly buringing a new hole in the ozone layer so that i can one day escape through it.

There is a picture of Peter Sutcliffe that i have identified on google images. For the next 15 minutes i plan to muse on how best to include it in an office round Robin to guarantee my sacking....